December 09, 2018


LITURGY: Pg 5 in TLH (Divine Service w/o Holy Communion)

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 12-09-18

SERMON: “The Baptized Produce Fruits Worthy of Repentance”                                                Luke 3:1-14

  1. We have been baptized for the forgiveness of sins.
  2. We should and can produce fruits worthy of repentance.



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December 02, 2018


LITURGY: Pg 15 in TLH – Divine Service with Holy Communion

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 12-02-18

SERMON: “Peace in Heaven!”  Luke 19:38

  1. Our King has come and established peace in heaven.
  2. Our King is coming again to establish the fullness of peace in heaven and on earth.

    This Service will also be broadcast on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria)  from 9-10am on Sunday, December 9th.

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November 25, 2018


LITURGY: Pg 32 in TLH – The Order of Matins 

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 11-25-18

SERMON: “The Son of Man is Coming; Stay on the Alert!” 

Mark 13:26-27, 35-37

  1. The Son of Man is coming to gather his elect.
  2. Therefore stay on the alert!

Please note: The first 11 minutes of the service are missing from the following audio, due to technical difficulties that occurred on Sunday, November 25, 2018.

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November 18, 2018


LITURGY: Pg 46 in TLH (Confessional Service with Holy Communion, moving to pg 22 for the Nicene Creed and Communion liturgy.)

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 11-18-18

SERMON: “Whoever Endures to the End Will Be Saved”                 Mark 13:13

  1. Jesus’ directions for the time of endurance.
  2. Jesus’ promise for whomever endures: This one will be saved!

    This Service will also be broadcast on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria)  from 9-10am on Sunday, November 25th.


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October 28, 2018



LITURGY: Special Liturgy – see link below for Worship Bulletin

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 10-28-18

SERMON: “Jesus’ Word of Truth Sets Us Free”   John 8:31-32

  1. Bondage to error and sin
  2. A call to abide in Jesus’ word
  3. Freedom in Jesus’ word of truth

    This Service will also be broadcast on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria)  from 9-10am on Sunday, November 4th.


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October 21, 2018


LITURGY: Pg 46 in TLH (Confessional Service with Holy Communion, moving to pg 22 for the Nicene Creed and Communion liturgy.)

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 10-21-18

SERMON: “A Good and Beautiful Gift of God”  Ecclesiastes 5:18-19

  1. Our portion here on earth is a gift of God.
  2. This is good and beautiful because God Himself is our everlasting portion.

    This Service will also be broadcast on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria)  from 9-10am on Sunday, October 28th.

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October 14, 2018


LITURGY: Pg 5 in TLH (Divine Service w/o Holy Communion)

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 10-14-18

SERMON: “Partakers of Christ”  Hebrews 3:12-14

  1. Look out for the deceitfulness of sin.
  2. We remain partakers of Christ in holding fast the beginning of our assurance.

    This Service will also be broadcast on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria)  from 9-10am on Sunday, October 21st.

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October 07, 2018


LITURGY: Pg 15 in TLH – Divine Service with Holy Communion

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 10-07-18

SERMON: “It’s Not Good for Man to Be Alone”  Genesis 2:18

  1. It’s good when the Lord provides a helper.
  2. It’s good when the Lord Himself is with him.
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September 30, 2018


LITURGY: Pg 15 in TLH – Divine Service with Holy Communion

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 09-30-18

SERMON: “Bearing the Heavy Burden”  Numbers 11:14-15

  1. Moses bore a heavy burden.
  2. Jesus bore a far heavier burden.
  3. Jesus will always help us with our burdens

    This Service will also be broadcast on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria)  from 9-10am on Sunday, October 7th.

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September 23, 2018


LITURGY: Pg 32 in TLH – The Order of Matins 

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 09-23-18

SERMON: “Last of All and Servant of All”  Mark 9:35-37

  1. Jesus calls disciples to humility and service.
  2. He made Himself last of all and servant of all.
  3. In following Jesus we receive Him and the Father.

    This Service will also be broadcast on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria)  from 9-10am on Sunday, September 23.

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