March 08, 2020
LITURGY: Pg 5 in TLH – Divine Service w/o Holy Communion
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SERMON: “Certain for All the Seed” Romans 4:16
- The promise is in accordance with grace.
- The promise is by faith.
- Therefore the promise is certain for all the seed of Abraham.
March 01, 2020
LITURGY: Pg 15 in TLH – Divine Service with Holy Communion
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SERMON: “More Certain than Death” Romans 5:17
- Death reigned through the one man, Adam.
- Much more will we reign in life through the one Man, Jesus Christ!
February 23, 2020
LITURGY: See attached Service Bulletin below
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SERMON: “Listen to Him, and Have No Fear” Matthew 17:5-7
- Sinners are right to fear the almighty Son of God.
- Yet we are to listen to Him, especially that He died and rose for us.
- When we listen to Jesus, we have no need to fear His punishment.
February 16, 2020
LITURGY: See attached Service Bulletin below
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SERMON: “Choose Life!” Deuteronomy 30:19-20
- To choose life is to remain faithful to the Lord our God.
- There are temptations that lead to curses and death.
- The Lord our God is our life, and He is faithful.
February 9, 2020
LITURGY: See attached Service Bulletin below
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SERMON: “Salt of the Earth” Matthew 5:13
- We are the salt of the earth.
- We must not lose our saltiness.
- Jesus is the saltiest of all.
February 2, 2020
LITURGY: See attached Service Bulletin below
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SERMON: “Jesus’ Presentation: Picture of His Priesthood” Luke 2:22-23
- The Old Testament background for Jesus’ presentation.
- The unique significance of Jesus’ presentation.
- The blessings involved for us in Jesus’ priestly service as Firstborn.
January 26,2020
LITURGY: See attached Service Bulletin below
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SERMON: “The Word of the Cross” 1 Corinthians 1:17-18
- It is foolishness to those who are perishing.
- It is the power of God to those who are being saved.
January 19. 2020
LITURGY: Pg 46 in TLH (Confessional Service with Holy Communion, moving to pg 23 for the Communion liturgy.)
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SERMON: “Behold, the Lamb of God!” John 1:29-31
- Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
- He has been revealed to Israel, and now to the whole world.
- Therefore we follow Him and join in His praise.
January 12, 2020
LITURGY: Pg 5 in TLH – Divine Service w/o Holy Communion
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SERMON: “Beloved Sons of God, with Whom He Is Well Pleased” Matthew 3:16-17
- God the Father declared Jesus His beloved Son, with whom He is well pleased.
- Jesus has made us beloved sons of God, with whom He is well pleased.
- Let us walk in newness of life as the beloved sons of God.
JANUARY 05, 2020
The Epiphany of Our Lord
LITURGY: Pg 15 in TLH – Divine Service with Holy Communion
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SERMON: “Arise, Shine, for Your Light Has Come” Isaiah 60:1-3
- Darkness covering the earth.
- Zion’s Light has come!
- Arise and shine!