JUNE 28, 2020
LITURGY: The Order of Matins, TLH p. 32
HYMNS: 5 [TLH] 493 [TLH] 50 [TLH]
READINGS: Jeremiah 28:5-9; Romans 7:1-13; Matt 10:34-42
SERMON: “What We Receive in Receiving the Lord’s Servants” Matthew 10:40-41
- To receive them is the welcome them fully because of the Lord Jesus.
- Those who receive the Lord’s servants receive Jesus, the Father, and His servants’ reward.
JUNE 21, 2020
LITURGY: Confessional Service with Holy Communion (pg 46 in TLH)
Hymns: 423 v 1, 2, 3 & 6 [TLH] 409 [TLH] 410 [TLH] 420 [TLH] 435 (TLH}
READINGS: Jeremiah 20:7-13; Romans 6:12-23; Matt 10: 5a, 21-33
Sermon: “It is Enough to Be Like Our Teacher and Master”
Matthew 10:22, 24-25
- In being hated and slandered.
- In enduring and being saved.
JUNE 14, 2020
LITURGY: Order of Service without Holy Communion (pg 5 in TLH)
Hymns: 4 [TLH] 371 [TLH] 38 [TLH] 175 [TLH]
READINGS: Exodus 19:2-8; Romans 5:6-15; Matt 9:35-10:8
Sermon – We Boast in God because of our Certain Salvation”
Romans 5:9-11
- Two powerful reasons why our final salvation is certain.
- Therefore we boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
June 7, 2020
The Festival of the HOLY TRINITY
LITURGY: The Order of Matins, TLH p. 32
HYMNS: 246 [TLH] 590 [LSB] 250 [TLH] 644 [TLH] Vocal trio: “Holy Is the Lord”
READINGS: Gen 1:1-2:4a; Act 2:14a, 22-36; Matt 28: 16-20
SERMON: “Baptized into the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19
I. Jesus gave us a clear revelation of the Holy Trinity.
II. Through Baptism we have union with the living God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.