August 25, 2019
LITURGY: Pg 32 in TLH – The Order of Matins
Right Click on the Link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser. This will allow you to follow along with the service.
SERMON: “Discipline for Our Holiness” Hebrews 12:10
- Hardships are occasions for the Father’s discipline or training.
- This is for our benefit, that we may share in His holiness.
Due to technical difficulties, we are not yet able to provide the audio from this service. We hope to make it available soon. Thank you for your patience.
Read MoreAUGUST 11, 2019
LITURGY: Pg 5 in TLH – Divine Service w/o Holy Communion
Right Click on the link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser. This will allow you to follow along.
SERMON: “God Was Faithful to Noah; He Is Faithful to You!”
Hebrews 11:7
- God was faithful to Noah in warning him, saving him, and counting him righteous.
- God is likewise faithful to you.
- Therefore trust His promises concerning things not yet seen.
AUGUST 04 2019
LITURGY: Pg 15 in TLH – Divine Service with Holy Communion
Right Click on the link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser. This will allow you to follow along.
SERMON: “Rich Toward God” Luke 12:20-21
I. Jesus’ warning: It is foolish when one is not rich toward God.
II. One who is rich toward God is truly rich.