April 29, 2018
LITURGY: Pg 15 in TLH – Divine Service with Holy Communion
Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser. This will allow you to follow along.
SERMON: “Jesus’ Word Makes Us Clean and Fruitful Branches” John 15:1-3
- Jesus is the Source of our life and fruitfulness; we must abide in Him.
- As we abide in Jesus through His word, the Father continues to cleanse us and make us fruitful.
This Service will also be broadcast on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria) from 9-10am on Sunday, May 6th.
April 22, 2018
LITURGY: Pg 32 in TLH – The Order of Matins
Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser. This will allow you to follow along.
SERMON: “God is Greater than Our Hearts”
1 John 3:19-20
- When our hearts condemn us…
- God is greater than our hearts, and He knows all things.
This Service will also be broadcasted on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria) from 9-10am on Sunday, April 29.
Read MoreApril 15, 2018
LITURGY: pg 46 in TLH (Confessional Service with Holy Communion moving to pg 22 for the Nicene Creed and Communion liturgy.)
Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser. This will allow you to follow along.
SERMON: “Proclaiming the Message of Repentance and Forgiveness” Luke 24:44-49
- We live in a sinful world of which we are a part.
- As forgiven sinners we are moved to proclaim the message of repentance and forgiveness.
This Service will also be broadcast on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria) from 9-10am on Sunday, April 22nd.